Ethan's Creepypasta wikia Wiki

NOTE: I replaced all the cuss words


Oso is not a good bear. He is souless. Heartless. Killing Machine.

I was watching Playhouse Disney with my sister. She was happy when Special Agent Oso came on and i was too. I mean its weird for a  28 year old man to like a little kids show.

8719709d60548464c92e0ace7d1ecdf8203b9293 oso

It started out with Oso being given a mission to help a boy brush his teeth. Oso agrees to help. This is when things were off.  Oso's eyes were red and pupils black. Oso goes to the boy and says. "You can do it yourself B!" He then drowns the boy and hurts his butt.

Sperms shoot out of Oso's butt and the mother walks in and says.

"O poopy honey"!!! Oso kills her too and What What in the butt!

And a skeleton poops out of my butt and OMGZ Im deas/D.EDPEDPELDEPDE!!  Ossosososososoa.

Big asso killed my sister to death n hell.
